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This interactive multi-media scenario-based pre-assessment rates a manager's "protest readiness," and gives specific, personalized tips and course recommendations based on results.



PROJECT TYPE:  E-Learning. (Micro assessment.) 


THE PREMISE:  Most of the company's retail store managers thought they had the skills to manage police and customers during a protest and therefore, often dismissed any programs on protest management.  This is an interactive pre-course self-assessment to help gauge a learner's "protest readiness." Learners could only take the assessment twice; if they got a "negative press headline" both times, then they were automatically directed to specific modules to address their knowledge gaps.


THE EXPERIENCE: Users read a protest scenario, then select actions and statements on how they would manage the media and police. Based on their responses, a typical newspaper headline would populate, along with the likely news story. Tip videos embedded within the "newspaper" provided basic police and media management strategies.\


THE RESULT:  The assessment led to a 67% increase in the number of managers enrolled in the Managing Protests course, as those who took the assessment realized their shortcomings in handling in-store protests.




-- Original concept

-- Scriptwriting

-- Storyboarding

-- Served as voice talent

-- Instructional design

-- Instructional development

-- Illustrations

-- JavaScript programming (for personalized responses)

-- Video Producer

-- Editing and "cartoonizing" the raw video.

-- Internal marketing

-- Copywriting (Course description)

-- Project management

--Budget oversight and management



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